Housing Services Staff

Housing Services Assessment
Email: 207@communityactionam.org
Phone Extension: 207

Victoria Miles
Coordinated Entry Assessor
Email: vmiles@communityactionam.org
Phone Extension: 207

Sarah Carstens
Housing Resource Specialist
Email: scarstens@communityactionam.org
Phone Extension: 224

Katie Graham
Director of Veteran Services
Email: kgraham@communityactionam.org
Phone Extension: 351

Courtney Smith
SSVF Program Coordinator
Email: csmith@communityactionam.org
Phone Extension: 237

Jackie Sellnow
Coordinated Entry Assessor
Email: jsellnow@communityactionam.org
Phone Extension: 207

Betsy Ruleau
SSVF Housing Resource Specialist
Email: bruleau@communityactionam.org
Phone: 906-458-0953

Michele Dobbs
SSVF Housing Resource Specialist
Email: mdobbs@communityactionam.org

Brianna Gibbons
SSVF Housing Resource Specialist
Email: bgibbons@communityactionam.org
Phone: 906-282-8350

Kevin Wade
SSVF Housing Resource Specialist
Email: kwade@communityactionam.org

Ashley Sellnow
Director of Homeless Services
Email: asellnow@communityactionam.org
Phone Extension: 222

Allison Mortl
Housing Resource Specialist
Email: amortl@communityactionam.org
Phone: 906-221-4316

Teresa Nault
Supportive Housing Coordinator
Email: tnault@communityactionam.org
Phone: 906-225-5484